Entries by Dave Frucella

“Baby Boomer” Retirement Myth

Craig Karpel states his belief that most Baby Boomers will never be able to retire. How’s that for an attention-getter? Karpel is the author of the book entitled, The Retirement Myth, published by Harper Collins. In his book, Karpel states that retirement, as we now know it, will only exist for the rich.

No Commission Life Insurance

It’s timeless advice, and it applies to buying life insurance: There is no such thing as a free lunch.
You will sometimes find insurance companies—not insurance salespersons or brokers, but the insurance company itself—advertising “No Commission” policies.

Cigar, pipe and chewers

In prior years, insurance companies built some flexibility into their non-smoker and smoker categories. The term “smoker” used to denote those persons who smoked cigarettes only. This meant, in some cases, a cigar smoker or tobacco chewer could qualify for a non-smoker rate.

Check your Social Security

Be sure to contact the Social Security Administration at least every three years. Those contributing to Social Security should check their contributions to insure they are correct. After 3 years the records go off-line and problems need to be researched manually which could take forever.

A. M. Best Company

A. M. Best Company is the country’s most recognized insurance rating organization. While the A. M. Best rating system is used to evaluate various aspects of businesses, the rating most visible to the public is the overall “letter grade” rating assigned to insurance companies.